According to a recent entry on Tsunku’s blog Kamei Eri, Jun Jun, and Lin Lin will graduate from Morning Musume and Hello! Project.

Kamei Eri will graduate due to a skin condition problem which she has had for some time and after talking with doctors she has decided to graduate from Morning Musume and Hello! Project to take care of it. Jun Jun and Lin Lin will go into preparatory periods after their graduations to continue their singing and talent careers in China.

To say that I am surprised is an understatement since I didn’t expect to have to worry about graduations until the start of the next tour, but it seems that Tsunku wanted to announce them as soon as possible so that fans could prepare.

Kamei’s reason for graduating is understandable since she wants to take care of her skin condition (according to some fans she has Atopic Dermatitis), and even though it is sad to see her go from Momusu I am glad to see that she is taking her health as a priority.

Jun Jun and Lin Lin on the other hand don’t really have a clear reason for graduating but it seems that Tsunku decided that they will benefit more if they graduated from Momusu and concentrate in singing careers in China, and since he obviously has plans for them already it is somewhat of a consolation to see that they will continue to be active.

I am still shocked at the news since it was somewhat too sudden, but hopefully in the coming days we get more information about the details.

They will graduate at the end of Morning Musume’s Rival Survival concert tour.

I will update with more as soon as I find out.

Tsunku’s Post About Kamei, Jun Jun and Lin Lin Graduating