At rehearsals the day before the start of their musical season, Kis-My-Ft2 and A.B.C-Z had admitted they weren’t fully prepared yet, reports Sankei Sports.

The two Johnny’s Jr. groups will be performing (Shonentachi: Koushi naki Rougoku)” from September 3 – 26 in Tokyo. Yesterday Kis-My-Ft2 member Taisuke Fujigaya (23) said he was confident the show would be a success.

“It’s the day before opening day, but we still haven’t got it perfect. But we’re always like this so we’ll be alright,” he said.

Fujigaya also talked about how the group had continued with rehearsals and meetings while they were on tour with KAT-TUN last month in South Korea and Taiwan.

“We used Skype to talk to A.B.C-Z about dance moves and also rehearse with them,” he said.

Source – aramatheydidnt / momoe

Posted by Comtrya Sugoi!